Prophetic Word and Sensing from Michael Scantlebury


As I ministered at SACF during the February 15 -17th, 2001 the Lord impressed several things to me concerning James C Exner and the group the Lord has called him to raise up. I will now list these in point form with as much elaboration as I can possibly give:


·        I sensed that there was a divine favour to do what you were called to do and that the arrangement that you had with the local church where the meetings were being held was very unique and an evidence of God's favour.


·        I also sensed that the Lord was about to bring that favourable existence to an end however, I was uncertain as to what course it would take.


·        There was also a very strong sense that a local church was to be birthed to fully facilitate what the Lord wanted to do through your group. It was also as if the womb you were operating in was about to reject you as the mother does when the baby has reached full term in her womb.


·        The Bible says Matthew 9:16-17 the following: Matt 9:16-17


"No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."


·        I got the sense that a lot of what was being done was an attempt to put new cloth on an old garment or new wine into old wineskins - the Bible declares that it will only make things worse. It is to this end I sensed the Holy Spirit saying that a new church had to be birthed through this group to facilitate the transportation of this new wine the Lord was seeking to pour out.


·        I also sensed that what SACF is currently doing in terms of facilitating the conferences and training would still continue as this new church is born. As a matter of fact the Lord said that James was not called to be pastor as such and that He would send pastors to effectively pastor the flock. I encouraged Jim to read a dynamic and relevant book by Apostle John Eckhardt entitled "Leadershift" - Transitioning from the Pastoral to the Apostolic, which would be a tremendous source of revelation to what James is currently feeling in his spirit.


·        I also sensed the Lord say that if the baby (new church) refused to come forth then a "spiritual caesarean section" would have to be performed to ensure the birth of the baby The Bible says Matthew 9:16-17 the following: Matt 9:16-17. I also sensed that the Lord was about to bring that favourable existence to an end however, I was uncertain as to what course it would take.


·        I also sensed the Lord was about to bring that favourable existence to an end however, I was uncertain as to what course it would take


Trust that this will give further clarity to what I ministered to you on tape while I visited with you.


Blessings!  Apostle Michael Scantlebury
