Back to Prophetic Words
The Personal Chronicles leading up to the following VISION below are recorded in the above Link
Updated February 29th, 2008
1. To KNOW The Love of God and Extend it to the Community by Action.
2. To PROVIDE A Place of Intimate Worship of God by the Corporate Church Family.1
3. To FOSTER Relationships without agendas, with the churches of the Cities and Region.
4. To EXTEND Grace to our church family and build meaningful bridges to the "7 Mountains of Culture."
1. Church
2. Business
3. Government
4. Arts
5. Entertainment
6. Media
7. Education
¨ A place where God can be God, a place where He can do what He wants, when He wants. Where God can move sovereignly on His church.
¨ 1A place where the local church can gather for corporate worship and communion with spiritual covering provided by pastors of local congregations in Central New York.
¨ A place where Evangelism and Ministry can freely take place. Then discipleship can be done in the local church. The local church would be the place for relational and intimacy in small groups.
¨ A place of rest.
¨ The meeting place would be that place where
1. the apostle,
2. prophet,
3. evangelist,
4. teacher and
5. pastor have a platform to evangelize the region and send out teams to minister - Apostolic Missions. Both local and visiting.
¨ A place where when "they were all of one accord" the glory fell (Acts 2).
¨ A place that turns the world upside down for Jesus Christ.
¨ A place where God's love is demonstrated and signs and wonders follow.
¨ A place where God can bring all His different "Streams" to His "One River".