Through regional ministry and a local church fellowship, SACFMI desires to train, equip, edify, and release the body of Christ into the Lord's call for this hour. This ministry serves as a platform to allow seasoned ministers to address the regional Body of Christ, teach the word of God, impart anointing through the Holy Spirit, and provide personal ministry.
Regular meetings are scheduled with speakers from all over the United States and from countries across the globe. In April and October we convene Apostolic and Prophetic Conferences to impart fresh vision into our region, to labor together to see the Lord's church established, and to release the Glory of God across the region. We are the church at large, "the Body of Christ, and members individually." (verse 27 of I Cor. 12:18-27)
As a ministry, our main goal is to bring together believers from different churches to see the realization of the following vision for the Region:
To establish a meeting place where God can be God, a place where He can do what He wants, when He wants, a place where God can move sovereignly upon His church.
To provide a place where evangelism and ministry can freely take place. To foster discipleship within the local church. To provide a place of rest.
To provide a meeting place where the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher and Pastor (the five-fold ministry as described in Ephesians 4:11-13) have a platform to evangelize the region and send out teams to minister - Apostolic Missions, both local and visiting.
To provide a place where "When they were all of one accord," the Glory fell (Acts 2).
To be a people that turn the world upside down for Jesus Christ.
To demonstrate God's love with signs and wonders following.
To provide a place where God can bring all His different "streams" to His "One River."