CNY Regional Apostolic & Prophetic Council

Pastors James & Roseanne Exner James has been in ministry for 44 years. He is married to a wonderful Spirit filled woman, Roseanne, and has four children and twelve grand-children. They have been married for 47 years and reside in Cicero, NY, just north of Syracuse. Together Jim and Roseanne minister all over the Northeast Region of the United States: bringing the Gospel; encouraging the body of Christ with testimony and prophetic words; equipping the saints for the work of the ministry; bringing “present truth” revelation about the emerging apostolic and prophetic/five-fold ministry church government (John 20:19-22, Acts 3:19-21, Ephesians 2:19-22, 4:11-13 - NKJV). Pastor James c Exner sacf99@yaho


Diane Bristol is an ordained minister and founder with her husband Zachary of “Harvest Time Church" located in upstate New York. Diane brings a timely, impassioned prophetic message, as she understands it. She states,  "There is a is a clarion call to the church from the Holy Spirit to "COME UP" into revelatory understanding and intimacy with The Lord Jesus".  This intimacy will lead you into greater apostolic and prophetic insight and ministry.  The Holy Spirit is raising up many voices to declare the coming revival, what it will look like, and the mandate to the church to walk in righteousness and true justice.  Diane is one of many called to trumpet this last day message to the church. 


National Councilors

Aaron & Jill Evans is the former Vice President of Ministry Outreach and Operations for Streams Ministries International, but was released with the blessing of John Paul Jackson on July 1, 2007.   Aaron and his new bride, Jill~Marie are preparing to launch their new ministry called “The Emerging Daniel Company" which will focus on the equipping and preparing emerging leaders for the Joel 2 outpouring.  

Aaron, Jill~Marie and their son Josiah currently live in the North Shore area of Massachusetts. 
For contact information please email: 

Dr William Hurst Dr. Hurst has a unique perspective and presentation of the Word. He was born and raised in Canada. He has ministered for over 37 years in pastoring, teaching, and traveling into a number countries as well. He has grown into a ministry to leaders developing the five ministry gifts and teaching the ways of God. A number of ministries relate to him as a spiritual father. God mandated him to come to the Watertown NY to start a Christian College. He is continuing to seek the Lord for the key to bring unity in the North Country first and to see it spread into other areas as well.


Bret Wade is an apostle with a prophetic anointing.  Bret’s service to the body of Christ has been extensive over the years. His pastoral ministry began in 1990. As a School of Ministry establisher, administrator and  instructor, he has trained many saints and ministers.

Bret’s purpose is one of mentoring, training and sending ministers; networking ministries; planting and strengthening churches. His mandate from God is to "equip equippers" and to "build strong soldiers for the twenty-first century". This is partly achieved by assisting ministers in establishing their churches in present truth and the current season of God.

His heart’s desire is to lead God's people into the purposes of God. He is very passionate to see the saints released into ministry as they rise to their greatest potential.  His endeavors as an author include an Internet publication entitled "Times & Seasons".  Bret also facilitates "Apostles Today", an Internet forum for developing apostolic gifts and strategies.