Should We Get Involved

From Kairos Magazine May/June 2007 used by permission

Recently the Movie "Amazing Grace" came to Big Screen Movie theaters around the nation and those Christians who viewed the movie, had to come to grips with "Should Christians be involved in the systems of this world?" I am speaking about the arts, sciences, economics, education, military and yes politics. The May/June issue of Kairos Magazine Published by Eagles Wings Ministry brings to light what our responsibility should be. For to long we Christians have been told to separate ourselves from the world and have relinquished a Godly influence in all areas of our Nation to the point that it has become almost all secular. This was not the intent of our founding Fathers. Those early men and women knew that a nation without Faith in the One True God and a spiritual foundation, would not endure the ravages of time. The History of Democracies shows that once a people realize they can vote off restraints and vote entitlements, the nation will bankrupt itself. The articles below I hope will give some light to all who read them.

The Apostle Paul gave the early Christians directions in various parts of the New Testament, i.e. Romans 13, about our roll and duty to civil government. The Hebrew way of life was wherever you made your life, that's where you were to make your influence. The Lord gave Dominion over the earth to man and Adam gave it to the devil. Jesus came to redeem and restore mankind to God the Father. He also said ALL Authority was given to Him, therefore GO INTO ALL the WORLD and preach the Good News of Gospel to all the nations.

I hope these articles give you a better perspective as to our role of "in the world but not of it."

Many Blessings in The Master, Pastor James C Exner


Integrating The Secular and Secular by Dr Larry & Judy Keefauver



Integrating The Sacred and Secular

                FROM TERTULLIAN, to Joan of Are, to M.L. King and into the present with Amnesty International, Christian involvement in and confrontation of secular government, war, the military and civil service has been debated. Let's consider the truth that Israel was a theocracy and even when a monarchy emerged to meet the cry of the people [never was God's idea!], the spiritual leaders-judges, priests and prophets-certainly locked horns and got inti­mately involved in the politi­cal and governmental processes. Consider Jere­miah protesting naked in Jerusalem's byways and Nathan getting in David's face or Amos decrying the injustices inflicted upon the poor, innocent and helpless.

 We know that St. Paul stirred it up directly with the local rulers in Palestine in­cluding Felix and Festus as well as with Caesar himself! Confrontation, conflict, persecution, violence and martyrdom have marked Christian confrontation with governments throughout both Western and Eastern civilizations. Yes, we honor and respect civil authority which as been given by God to protect us. Yes also, Christians must confront secular governments and institutions (i.e. educational, scientific, political, business, media and the arts) whenever those secular entities speak or act in opposition to biblical truths and values.                   

"It's time to call sin, "sin!" and to stop extolling one political group over another when each party has unbiblical platforms and certain candidates and elected officials who trample biblical ethics and morality,"

 This issue of Kairos candidly confronts some of the critical issues we must address out of Christian faith and duty. It is both our civic and Christian obligation to speak, act, lobby, vote and work to implement Kingdom values into our cultural lifestyles. We must oppose ethnic prejudice, environmental rape by multinational corporations, murder in the womb, exploitation of illegal workers and the poor, political corruption and greed, hatred between religious extremists, anti-Semitism (God has a covenant with Israel defining her boundaries and existence and her enemies are indeed God's), scientific dogmatism masquerading as fact, pornography in all its forms, persecution of minorities, and a host of other unjust, unrighteous movements in our culture and government.

 It's time to call sin, "sin!" and to stop extolling one political group over another when each party has some unbiblical stands and certain candidates and elected officials who trample biblical ethics and morality while using religion to court votes. Examine the candidates by biblical standards and run for office yourself if God mandates it.

Get out your Bible, your checkbook, your voting ballots and turn to your phone, email and platforms to lift up God's righteousness in confronting secular issues that compromise biblical absolutes. Let "Justice run down like water, and right­eousness like a mighty stream" (Amos 5:24).

DR. LARRY & JUDI KEEFAUVER,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Editorial Advisers


Political Activism: Choice or Responsibility? by Robert Stearns

We are living in sobering times when the need to be politically active is greater than ever. Be equipped to take a stand for truth & righteousness in your generation with this stirring call to activate your faith.

 "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke


This oft quoted maxim has been receiving a lot of attention lately. There is a growing realization that we are in a deeply evil age with the grave and immi­nent threat of the empowerment of evil over good (at least for a season) if there is not, soon, a passionate rising up of good men and women to get involved and do something.


A recent trip to London has left me chilled to the bone with fear for our fu­ture. I knew that things were bad in Eu­rope; I knew that Europe is unquestionably in a post-Christian era, and that secularism and materialism rule the day. I further realized that Islam was quickly, militantly, blatantly advancing. But I had not realized how bad, indeed how seemingly hopeless, the situation is.


Unless there is a miraculous, unfore­seen move of God to change the hearts and minds of Europeans, I predict that Europe, as we have known it, will cease to exist in our generation. Furthermore, unless there is a miraculous awakening of awareness, zeal, spiritual fervor and corresponding political activism, I predict that we in North America will not be far behind.


Clearly, if it ever was, political activism is no longer a matter of choice for the Believer in Jesus. I feel there are three keys we must individually and corporately lay hold of if we are going to turn the tide in our generation. I invite you to receive this exhortation with sobriety of spirit and an attitude of prayer, asking the Lord what it is He would say to you.


1. We must eradicate the mindset of a sacred/secular split, which has emasculated the Church and created a subculture of Christianity rather than a counter culture that infiltrates every sector of society.


    One of the most demonically inspired lies that the Church in America has accepted almost without exception is the notion that certain areas; (preaching, teaching, worship leading) are "spiritual" and other areas (education, business, government) are unspiritual. The subconscious teaching of the Charismatic/Pentecostal church in particular is that you need a special "anointing" for the "spiritual" areas, but the only thing really involved in the "secular" areas are hard work, good education, and perhaps godly character.


There is very little encouragement in the Church to see these various sectors of society influenced by men and women of God for Kingdom purposes. This mind set must change if the Church is going to be anything but a subculture in our day. We must instill in our young people that, as they go into the field God has called them to, they go as ambassadors bring­ing His truth into every realm.


2. We must overcome our fear of being labeled "extremist' in our positions, simply because some of our predecessors have not been as inclusive or wise in their public com­munication as they could have been.


 I remember watching a major network news program a day or two after the Tsunami, in which hundreds of thousands lost their lives. The interviewer had on as his guests several religious leaders from different backgrounds - Jewish, Buddhist, Catholic, New Age, and Evangelical Christian. The interviewer asked what would happen to the souls of the countless thousands of innocent people who had been swept away in a moment, among them, tens of thousands of innocent children.


One by one, the religious leaders gave their answers, all trying to bring comfort and hope. However, when the Evangelical Christian was asked the same question, I cringed as his reply essentially talked about people spending eternity in hell without Christ.


 "Unless there is a miraculous, unforeseen move of God...I predict that Europe, as we   have known it, will cease to exist in our generation."                                             


    While I understood and appreci­ated his desire to be true to the Gospel, the fact is his answer probably did more harm than good. It presented God only as Judge, in a moment when humanity was grappling with a natural disaster that had no human or moral cause, and was looking for something reas­suring to hold onto. Our brother could - and should - have found an answer that, while not compromising the Gospel, was more appropriate to the bro­kenness and devastation of the situation.


    I share that story, though it does not relate directly to political activism, because I think that part of the reason many Bible believing Christians today are shying away from the political scene is that they don't want to be perceived as "homophobes" who support the killing of abortionists.


Two elements have led to the public perception of Evangelical Christians being extremists in this regard. One is the media's desire to lampoon us and paint us in the worst possible light. The other is our lack of wisdom and discern­ment in how we have presented ourselves in the public sphere.


    The sanctity of marriage and family and the sanctity of human life are crucial issues that demand our careful at­tention and support. Having said that, we must be careful to earn our place in the national conversation by not becoming narrow reactionaries focused on these two issues to the exclusion of all else.


    3. We must become vitally trained, involved and active on every level ­local to national.


There are countless things anyone of us could do that could make a huge impact on the world around us. Has God given you the tools to be a counselor to teens who would otherwise choose abortion? Should you be serving on your local school board to speak into curriculum & policy that affects thousands of children? What about getting Christians registered to vote? Or perhaps giving your life to a cause like working against modem-day slavery, anti-Semitism, or the secular humanist agenda in the socio-political realm; there is no end to addressing these needs but there must be a beginning!


Many of us have been crying out for an end to those things that set themselves up against God's Kingdom reign of truth and peace. Could it be that God is asking us to be the answer to our own prayers?


 "There are countless things any one of us could do that could make a huge impact on the world around  us."


I want to be the first to admit - I have not been active enough at all in these arenas. I have not been trained by the Church or by empowering Christian non-profit organizations to be involved in this way. But, at this time, we cannot be silent any longer. We must become trained and active. Now.

Please hear me. Please understand.

This is not a matter of "burden" or "interest" nor is it a good idea for those who "feel like getting involved". The integrity of the Gospel, countless souls, and the future of Western Civilization itself are all at stake.


To whom much has been given, much is required (Lu 12:48). May we be found faithful. K

 Robert Stearns' ministry flows out of a deep passion for Jesus that is characterized by a distinct prophetic edge.

     the Body of Christ. They have ministered in 25 nations around the world and maintain a significant bur­den for the

     Eastern United States and for Israel.


At the Jerusalem Summit in London. England.

Robert Stearns interacted with dignitaries including

 Baroness Caroline Cox, a Christian who serves

in the House of Lords.


The New Slavery; Bringing a Godly Perspective to Immigration Reform.

by Dr. (Bishop) Harry R. Jackson

Christians are currently having an unprecedented impact on American politics.

 Both the 2004 and 2006 elections were determined by citizens who voted their values - not party preferences. In both races Christians and the secular community alike voted against issues they feared. In 2004, they saw Bush as a defender of moral values, family, and the security of the nation. In 2006 they voted against a war that had spiraled out of control and a Republican legislative branch which seemed too partisan to be effective.

 Against the negative backdrop of voting based on fear, the Church currently has an opportunity to lead with vision and positive moral values. We can set the pace and priorities of both parties - if we seize the moment. We can also change the public relations myth that presents people of faith as spoilers instead of servants. We must be bold enough to define emerging moral questions and give the culture viable answers.

 The question is, ''Which issue is the Lord calling us to address?" My vote is for comprehensive immigration reform. Immigration is perhaps the second most important issue of the next decade - after the war in Iraq. The reasons for its importance are five-fold:

 The cost of American products and services will go up as "illegals" are prosecuted or given amnesty.

 Hardened criminals and gang members are crossing the borders along with eager workers seeking a better life.

 Work opportunities for minorities and other Americans at the lower end of the economic spectrum will shift dramatically based upon the direction taken.

 The dynamic increase in the number of Hispanic voters will shift the balance of power in U.S. politics.

 Domestic security can be breached by Al Quaeda and other groups.

 In addition to the reasons enumerated above, there are several important moral questions involved with the existence and exploitation of illegal aliens. Every American knows that one of the biggest blights upon America's legacy of freedom and economic opportunity was slavery. Slaves were pushed beyond normal human limits. They were treated like chattel or livestock versus full-fledged human beings. It took the nation over a hundred years and a civil war to wean itself from its first addiction to cheap labor.

 Like a man returning to smoking, our generation has once again become hooked on cheap labor. Unfortunately, we are forgetting that this kind of labor may be dangerous to our national health.

 Illegal aliens are simultaneously criminals and victims. They are victims of what I would like to call "the new slavery." The Evangelical Church, by and large, has not addressed this question. Simplistic solutions are being put forth by both parties and many are pandering for future votes.

 The advocates of amnesty programs often opine that U.S. citizens are not willing to do jobs that "illegals" eagerly perform. This statement is patently false and overlooks the issue of worker exploitation. American citizens will not do some of these jobs because they are dirty, dangerous, and dead end.

 Let's take a look at what's really going on in the world of immigration reform. In December 2006, Swift & Co. was raided and 1,200 people were arrested on alleged identity theft and immigration violations. This company is a meat processor who was hit in six states by federal authorities. This kind of raid sends a signal to large companies that they are not exempt from the laws of the land.

 As much as I rejoice over the way companies like Swift are handled, I am concerned about smaller companies operating in remote areas. These companies' survival may actually be challenged by hasty enforcement transitions. Let me give you an example of what can happen in a small community.

 Labor Day weekend 2006, Crider Inc. based in Stillmore, GA lost nearly 700 of its mostly Hispanic 900-member work force. Stillmore has an interesting history. In the late 1990s, Hispanics began to move to the area. Since then, the Hispanic population has tripled in the state of Georgia. Therefore, problems we would normally equate with border towns in other states began to occur in the deep South - the buckle of the “Bible Belt.” At that time, Crider's processing lines were made up predominantly of African-Americans.

 The change to a Latino workforce, the majority from Mexico, was gradual. The company's officials have repeatedly assured the press that their illegal hiring practices were unintentional (which I find hard to believe).



Safety standards seemed to deteriorate. The poultry industry is known for slippery floors and bitter cold working conditions. Crider, however, took employee danger to another level with the accidental death of one of its employees in a forklift accident in 1997.

 But what do you do when the change comes too fast? How do we add quality jobs to the national economy? Don't get me wrong, I am not in favor of giving a shady company a get-out-of-jail-free pass. I do want to recommend that a strategic approach be taken to cleaning up the thousands of companies who are practicing a new form of slavery.

 The black community temporarily benefited from the new jobs which were made available. Unfortunately, the company did not have time to think through its transition. Under the current structure, these positions have no potential. They are an invitation for workers to be permanently added to the bottom rung of the American work force. In the future, even naturalized employees will want something to look forward to a career path or a personal road to prosperity.

 The inevitable upward aspirations of future workers must be balanced with the company's ability to turn a reasonable profit. Crider is experiencing a crisis and still needs 300 employees to return to normal output levels. Simply put, the transition is not working.

 What does this mean for this company, the community, and the nation? The answer is that immigration reform has to become a priority - not an afterthought. I recommend we close the borders and start the long process of Americanizing U.S. / businesses so that free enterprise can truly work.

 In conclusion, let me reiterate that immigration reform is the second most significant issue on our political plate. I call upon the Evangelical Christian movement to begin to develop a clear solution to the problem. I personally plan to help mobilize a meeting of the minds of the black church, the Hispanic church, and the powerful white evangelical movement.

 We must take an anti-amnesty stand, while vigorously protecting our borders. In addition, we must make sure that those who legally enter the country are treated with dignity. This dignity would include offering them professions which will keep them from being maimed, humiliated, or marginalized as true Americans. Immigration reform will be a dirty and unpopular job, but somebody's got to do it.

 Let's serve our culture with biblical authority and moral clarity! K

Dr. Harry R. Jackson Jr. pastors Hope Christian Church, a 3,000 member congregation in the nation's Capitol with his wife, Michele. Having earned an MBA from Harvard, Jackson is a best selling author, ministering nationally and internationally. His books include In-laws, Outlaws and the Functional Family, The Warrior's Heart and High Impact African-American.
