
Mission Philippines:

Mindanao Island

General Santos City

June 1-14th, 2001

"Spread the Fire Burning"

Pastors and Leaders Conference

Brief summary by James C. Exner


Journals by Roseanne Exner and Linda Webster

As we sit here in our hotel room waiting to go to the airport, thinking of the past 10 days we have spent in Gen San, (General Santos City, nestled in the bay of Sarangani on the Island of Mindanao, Nation of the Philippines) I thought I would write a brief summary of events, some of which are prophetically symbolic, at least to my understanding. The Holy Spirit led me to Galatians and Paul the Apostles letter to the church there. When I got to chapter 2 verse 10, Paul speaks of the three pillars, Peter, James and John and they remind Paul to "Remember the POOR" this he said he would do eagerly.1

WORD WEALTH (See Prophetic Word by Jim Goll at the end of this document April 21st 2001)

Galatians 2:10 eager, spoudazo (spoo-dad-zoe); Strong’s #4704: To exert oneself, make every effort, give diligence, make haste, be zealous, strain every nerve, and further the cause assiduously. Spoudazo combines thinking and acting, planning and producing. It sees a need and promptly does something about it. The word covers inception, action, and follow-through.

Galatians 2:7 God has only one gospel, but He allocates different spheres and cultures in which to preach it.

Thursday morning she, (my wife) poked me early in the morning so I got up and started to take a shower and felt like I was so tired. I was contemplating going back to bed and skipping prayer because of all the overtime. While standing under the water a voice says, "come on keep going you'll be OK, you’re already up". So I got dressed and went out and sat down at the table where all my prayer and bible stuff is. I sat there praying and thinking of the Lord and His goodness when the wall clock begins to chime. As I looked at the clock it read 5 am. I was dismayed because I usually don't get up till 5:20 am. "Man I can't believe this, why did Roe wake me up this early" was my thought. Well I may as well stay up and keep praying was my response. I began to pray for many things when all of a sudden I was impressed to pray for the latest letter from the Philippines. I took out the letter and began to read it then laid hands on it to pray over it when at exactly 5:35 the phone rings. My first impression is who in the world is calling at this early in the morning.

When I answered the phone an overseas operator asks if this is James Exner. I said "yes" then she says will you accept a call from pastor Edgardo Buico from the Philippines? I said, "Yes I would". He said the niceties and then said they, the body there in Mindanao, had met and set dates (Two weeks in June) and hoped we could come to minister at the conference. We would be receiving a letter explaining everything.

I couldn't believe what was happening. His wife Raquel wanted to say hello and then we said goodbye after about 20 min. Roseanne came out and said who was calling at that time of the morning. I said "the pastor from the Philippines". She was amazed when I told her the whole story. Wow, God sure has everything set up. Don't know how it will all work out.

Blessings Jim

(Thursday March 21, 2001 received confirmation letter from Pastor Edgar…The dates are June 4th-6th 2001)

The opening of the conference …June 4th

Word to James Exner

Given by Jim Goll – April 21, 2001 7:00 PM

"Running with Vision" conference

And I have put something in his heart. The Lord has put something in his heart, a cry for a region, seeking God for the time and the season and that whatever is done would honor the Son and honor those in authority. The Holy Spirit would say to you (pointing to the audience) there is No rebellion in this man and do not come into agreement with a fault finding spirit but rather bless a pioneer who will not stop. For the Lord will put a breaker anointing upon your life to speak to the fountain of the deep and to prophesy over a mountain steep and over a region where there is slate, like rock, where some have said it is too hard a spot…but in that very place there will be a new beginning you will see. (I don’t understand but I see bits and pieces… I see in part) I see a grocery store, a food liner (but I don’t know what it means yet). There will be more than one building coming. There is another building coming. Because the Lord is going to give a revelation concerning a heart for the nations. The Lord will give a heart of compassion for the poor and there will be a warehouse that will be given to give to the nations and to the poor and the widow and the orphan and this will be something you will steward, but something you will blow a trumpet on with compassion for the lost, the poor the widow and the orphan. For this is a hallmark of true apostolic Christianity. This is a mark of the real thing. That they care for the orphan, the widow, the poor, the prisoner and those who have no hope. And the Lord will do a new version of thee, …(he begins to laugh) of a salvation army, blood and fire that will be supported by more than a congregation but there will come forth a ministry to the poor birthed in blood and fire. I bless him right now that he would move in apostolic compassion.

God honors those who honor.

He then says "The key to moving in the anointing is giving honor to the veterans, honoring those in authority, even if they do you wrong … honor, I have stripes on my back!

Every wound (scar) can become an opportunity to become a stripe.